Print Futures is a free series that supports new voices in letterpress by building bridges between emerging letterpress printers doing great work in educational institutions, community centers, museums, and professional shops. It takes place twice a year and is co-produced by Partners in Print (PiP) and Letterpress Educators of Art & Design (LEAD).
Nathan Sheridan (Glasgow, Scotland) merges traditional letterpress with experimental making techniques both analogue and digital, including moving image. He is a Typography and Letterpress Resident at The Caseroom at SWG3 in Glasgow and a former intern at the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum.
Natalie Tyree (Bowling Green, KY) recently taught her first letterpress class as an associate professor at Western Kentucky University. Her mixed-media work explores pop culture and generational mindsets while featuring both analog and digital techniques.
Marcy Orwig, Ph.D. (Durand, WI) started Water Cooler Press to bring her research on the history of workplace writing to new audiences. She is an Associate Professor of Business Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
Print Futures is geared toward emerging letterpress printers — whether college students, interns, students at community centers, or independent letterpress enthusiasts. All levels of experience are welcome. Register to attend and apply to present in the future!
Print Futures is best enjoyed live — we find it’s a lot more fun and conducive to forming personal connections. Individual Print Futures presentations are recorded for educational purposes; Q&A and breakout rooms are not recorded. They are closed captioned using Zoom.
Partners in Print (PiP) and Letterpress Educators of Art & Design (LEAD) are deeply grateful for the support these organizations provide for Print Futures. Working together, we amplify our impact and further our missions.
The Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum preserves history for creative use today and shares PiP’s vision of an inclusive and welcoming community of letterpress lovers.
The Hoffmitz Milken Center for Typography (HMCT) was founded by Professor Gloria Kondrup to provide valuable support and service to the educational and professional communities by honoring the past and anticipating the future of typography.